Thailand Visa Questions

Thailand Visa Questions Some of the most common question with regards to Thailand Visas and immigration questions in Thailand. We have included a range of questions and answers so that you may understand the immigration rules in Thailand. Call us today from the US or UK so we may assist you live online or in person in Thailand.

What are the benefits of retiring in Thailand?

The cost of living is low in Thailand, making it quite easy to live very well on a fixed income or pension.  The housing is affordable, the scenery is beautiful, and Thailand has an enviably low crime rate.  As well, the culture is a deeply family one.  Thailand citizens have great respect for older people, and they show them the respect they are due, which makes for a very pleasant and friendly environment.

Where can I apply for a Thai Visa?

You can either apply for visas in your own country or in Thailand.  In your home country, you will have to visit the appropriate Embassy.  In Thailand, you can either apply through an Embassy, or through the Consulate or Consulate’s Office. See our main website for applying for a Thai Visa online.

How long will it take for my 1 Year Non-Immigrant Visa to be approved?

That depends.  If everything goes smoothly, it can take as little as a few days, where if things go wrong or there is incorrect paperwork, et cetera, it can take months for your visa to be approved.  On average, however, the time frame is about two weeks.

What types of 1 Year Non-Immigrant Visa can I obtain?

The types of 1 Year Non-Immigrant Visas available pertain to the purpose of your visit to Thailand.  The following is a list of the most common types of 1 Year Non-Immigrant Visas:

  • Business and conference – this requires an authorized letter written on letterhead explaining the reason of and purpose behind your visit and should conclude the company name and the address of its headquarters in Thailand;
  • Research, mass media, or missionary – this requires a note written on the official letterhead of the agency sponsoring your project or mission, as well as a letter from the organization’s Thai branch;
  • Education – requires a document written on the Thai institution’s letterhead;
  • Teaching – requires a document written on the institution’s letterhead; applicants cannot have a criminal record;
  • Family reunion – marriage certificate or birth certificate required, as well as proof of Thai national’s citizenship;
  • Retirement – proof of both retirement and ability to support yourself financially;
  • Medical treatment – requires letter from a licensed physician.

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