Grounds for Divorce in Thailand

Grounds for Divorce in Thailand

Grounds for Divorce in Thailand. Dissolving a marriage can be emotionally challenging and legally intricate, no matter where you are in the world. If you’re contemplating divorce in Thailand, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the legal grounds on which you can base your case..

Essential Elements for Divorce in Thailand

Thailand, like many other countries, requires spouses to have legal grounds for divorce. These grounds are outlined in Section 1516 of the Civil and Commercial Code. In addition to having grounds, Thai divorce law also requires that at least one spouse has resided in Thailand for at least one year before filing.

Common Grounds for Divorce in Thailand

Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common grounds for divorce in Thailand:

  • Marital Infidelity: This includes adultery or taking another person as a spouse.
  • Misconduct or Abuse: This can encompass criminal acts, physical or mental harm inflicted on the other spouse, or serious insults directed towards the spouse or their family.
  • Desertion: If one spouse abandons the other for more than a year without reasonable cause.
  • Failure to Provide Support: A spouse who persistently neglects to financially support the other spouse can be grounds for divorce.
  • Insanity: If a spouse has been diagnosed with a mental illness that renders them unable to function in the marriage for at least three consecutive years.
  • Separation: If both spouses have voluntarily lived separately for at least three years. This can be a smoother path to divorce if both parties are in agreement.
  • Other Factors: Thai law also recognizes additional grounds for divorce, such as having an incurable communicable disease or a physical condition that permanently prevents cohabitation.

Seeking Legal Guidance

While this article provides a general overview, divorce proceedings can be intricate and it’s always wise to consult with a lawyer experienced in Thai family law. An attorney can advise you on the specific grounds most applicable to your situation, navigate the legalities of the process, and help ensure a fair and efficient resolution.


  • The grounds listed here may not be exhaustive, and consulting a lawyer is recommended for tailored advice.
  • Thai divorce law can be complex, and legal representation is highly advisable.
  • Understanding the grounds for divorce will empower you to make informed decisions about your future.
Child Custody in Thailand

Child Custody in Thailand

Child Custody in Thailand. When Thai parents separate or divorce, a crucial question arises: who will have custody of the child? Thai child custody laws prioritize the child’s best interests, and understanding these legalities can ensure a smooth transition for the family.

Shared Parental Responsibility

Unlike some countries, Thailand doesn’t automatically grant sole custody to one parent upon separation. Thai law emphasizes the concept of “parental power,” which implies both parents share responsibility for raising the child until they reach adulthood (20 years old).

Reaching an Agreement: The Ideal Scenario

The preferred approach involves parents reaching a mutual agreement on child custody. This agreement can outline living arrangements, visitation rights, and decision-making power regarding the child’s upbringing. A formal written document outlining these points is recommended for clarity and future reference.

Court-Determined Custody Arrangements

If an amicable agreement proves impossible, the court will intervene and determine a custody arrangement. The court considers several factors when making this decision:

  • Child’s Age and Needs: The court prioritizes the child’s emotional well-being and developmental needs. Younger children often benefit from stability and may be placed with the parent who can provide a consistent environment.
  • Parental Capabilities: The court assesses each parent’s ability to provide a safe and nurturing home, considering factors like financial stability, emotional stability, and parenting skills.
  • Child’s Preference (if old enough): As children mature, their wishes regarding where they want to live may be taken into account.

Custody Options in Thailand Courts

Thai courts have the authority to establish various custody arrangements:

  • Sole Custody: In rare situations, the court might grant sole custody to one parent if the other parent is deemed unfit or a danger to the child’s well-being.
  • Joint Custody: Here, both parents share physical custody of the child, with the child residing with each parent for a predetermined amount of time.
  • Split Custody: This arrangement involves placing siblings with different parents, though it’s generally discouraged due to the potential for disruption to sibling relationships.

International Child Abduction

If a parent attempts to remove the child from Thailand without the other parent’s consent, it might be considered international child abduction. Thailand is a signatory to the Hague Convention on Child Abduction, which provides legal mechanisms for returning children wrongfully removed to another country.

Seeking Legal Guidance

Child custody disputes can be emotionally taxing. Consulting with a lawyer experienced in Thai family law is vital. They can guide you through the negotiation process, represent you in court if necessary, and advocate for a custody arrangement that prioritizes your child’s best interests.

By understanding child custody laws and procedures in Thailand, separating parents can make informed decisions about their children’s well-being, ensuring a smoother transition for the entire family.

Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand

Child Support in Thailand. In Thailand, both parents are legally obligated to financially support their children until they reach the age of 20. This article explores the legalities and processes surrounding child support in Thailand, particularly when parents separate or divorce.

Shared Responsibility for Child Upkeep

Thai family law prioritizes the well-being of children. Under normal circumstances, when parents live together, the issue of child support rarely arises. However, when couples separate or divorce, determining child support becomes crucial.

Reaching an Agreement: The Preferred Route

The ideal scenario involves parents reaching a mutual agreement on child support. This agreement outlines the amount of financial support, payment schedule, and potentially, other expenses like education or healthcare. It’s advisable to have this agreement documented in a formal contract for clarity and future reference.

Court-Ordered Child Support

If an amicable agreement proves impossible, the court will intervene and determine the child support amount. The court considers several factors during this process:

  • Needs of the Child: This includes basic necessities like food, shelter, clothing, and healthcare, as well as educational expenses and extracurricular activities.
  • Financial Ability of Parents: The court assesses each parent’s income and earning potential to determine a fair and sustainable contribution.
  • Standard of Living: The child’s accustomed standard of living before the separation will also be factored in.

Child Support for Children Born Out of Wedlock

The situation becomes more complex for children born outside of marriage. The biological father has no legal obligation to pay child support unless he acknowledges paternity through:

  • Subsequent marriage to the mother
  • Registration of legitimation at the district office (requires mother’s and child’s consent)
  • Court order establishing paternity (if mother or child withholds consent)

Enforcement of Child Support Orders

Once a child support agreement or court order is in place, enforcing it becomes critical. Thailand has mechanisms for enforcing these orders, including:

  • Withholding salary from the non-paying parent
  • Seizure of assets
  • Travel restrictions

Seeking Legal Guidance

Child support matters can be emotionally charged and legally intricate. Consulting with a lawyer experienced in Thai family law is highly recommended. They can guide you through the negotiation process, represent you in court if necessary, and ensure your child’s rights and well-being are protected.

By understanding child support laws and procedures in Thailand, parents can ensure their children receive the financial support they need to thrive, even in the face of separation or divorce.

Divorce in Thailand

Divorce in Thailand

Divorce is a life-altering decision that affects individuals and families worldwide. In Thailand, a country known for its rich culture and unique legal system, there are several types of divorce available to couples seeking to end their marriage. Understanding these different types and the process involved in filing for divorce is crucial for anyone navigating the dissolution of their union in Thailand. This article aims to shed light on the various types of divorce in Thailand and provide a step-by-step guide on how to file for them.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce, also known as an “amicable divorce” or “divorce by mutual consent,” is the most common type of divorce in Thailand. It occurs when both spouses agree to end their marriage and reach a consensus on important issues such as child custody, division of assets, and financial obligations. An uncontested divorce can be filed jointly, with both parties submitting a written agreement to the district office or local Amphoe.

Contested Divorce

In situations where spouses are unable to reach an agreement on various divorce-related matters, a contested divorce is pursued. A contested divorce involves one spouse filing a petition for divorce and the other party contesting the grounds for divorce or disputing key issues such as child custody, property division, or financial support. In such cases, the court may mediate or make a final judgment based on evidence presented by both parties.

Steps to File for Divorce in Thailand

Here is a general overview of the process to file for divorce in Thailand:

  1. Consultation: Seek legal advice from a qualified family lawyer experienced in Thai family law to understand the specific requirements and implications of your situation.
  2. Gather Documentation: Collect relevant documents such as marriage certificates, identification cards, evidence of assets, and any supporting evidence related to the grounds for divorce.
  3. Negotiation/Mediation: Attempt to negotiate or mediate with your spouse to reach an agreement on key issues, including child custody, property division, and financial support.
  4. Prepare and File the Petition: Engage your lawyer to draft and submit the necessary divorce petition to the appropriate court or district office.
  5. Court Proceedings: Attend court hearings, if required, and present your case or negotiate with your spouse to resolve any outstanding issues.
  6. Divorce Decree: Upon reaching an agreement or after the court’s decision, a divorce decree will be issued, officially terminating the marriage.


Divorce in Thailand encompasses various types, each suited to different circumstances and considerations. From uncontested divorces based on mutual consent to more complex cases that require court intervention, understanding the available options is crucial for those navigating the dissolution of their marriage. By seeking professional legal counsel and following the prescribed steps, individuals can navigate the divorce process in Thailand with greater clarity and ensure a smoother transition into their post-marital lives.

Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand

Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand

Prenuptial agreements in Thailand provide a financial plan that can be managed through the course of a marriage and upon dissolution (divorce). They also minimize expensive divorce lawyer fees.

A prenuptial agreement defines one party’s separate property, and establishes and documents their debt before marriage. It is enforceable under Thai Family Law, and can be changed or terminated after registration of the marriage.

Prenuptial Agreements for Foreigners

A prenuptial agreement is a written contract made by people planning to marry. It lists their property, debts and assets and states the rights they will have in case of divorce or death. It is a useful tool for couples who have substantial assets and properties and want to control the division of these assets in the event of a divorce.

The prenuptial agreement is a legal document that guarantees that assets acquired by either of the two parties prior to marriage will remain in their possession unless specified otherwise. It also guarantees that any debt acquired by a couple before marriage will not be regarded as part of their marital property. It is important that this agreement is drafted by an experienced lawyer to ensure that it is valid and enforceable under Thai law.

For US CITIZENS, a prenuptial agreement is valid in all 50 states under the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. The law in Thailand is slightly different but a well-drafted prenuptial agreement can be enforced. For UK CITIZENS, the law is more complicated but a properly drafted prenuptial agreement can be effective in Thailand.

Another reason to draft a prenuptial agreement in Thailand is to protect one’s assets from the other spouse’s debts. If your spouse-to-be runs up a credit card bill that you weren’t aware of, it can result in debt collectors seizing the couple’s joint assets. A prenuptial agreement can prevent this from happening by assigning debt to the appropriate spouse in the event of a separation or divorce.

A prenuptial agreement can be a difficult topic to discuss but it can save heartache and money in the long run. Without a prenuptial agreement, assets that you worked hard to acquire will be distributed by the state and may not be fair for both parties. It is best to get an attorney on your side before it is too late and you have to fight for what’s rightfully yours.

Drafting a Prenuptial Agreement for Foreigners in Thailand

A prenuptial agreement (also known as a prenup or antenuptial agreement) is a legal contract prepared by two people before marriage that lists all of their assets and debts, and states their rights in the event of divorce or death. It is generally enforceable in Thailand if it meets certain requirements. For example, it must be in writing, signed by both parties, witnessed by at least two people, and incorporated or annexed to the Marriage Register at the time of registration. It also must not contain any provisions that are against public order or good morals, or that conflict with Thai law.

A well-drafted prenuptial agreement should help protect a person’s personal assets and property in the event of a divorce, and may also lower the litigation fees involved. However, it is important to have an experienced Thai family lawyer draft the contract to ensure that it is upheld by the courts and is in accordance with local laws.

When you work with a qualified legal professional, they will carefully listen to your situation and needs and create a custom prenuptial agreement that is tailored to your unique circumstances. They will also assist you in registering the prenuptial agreement in the Marriage Registry and ensure that it is properly documented.

As a foreigner planning to marry in Thailand, it is important to have a prenuptial agreement in place to ensure that your assets are protected in the event of a divorce. A team of lawyers specializing in family law can provide you with the assistance you need to understand and implement a prenuptial agreement that meets all of the required legal standards in Thailand. Contact a legal professional today to get started. They can guide you through the process and have your prenup ready in just a few business days. The first consultation is often free of charge. Legal offices can be found in various locations, including Bangkok, and remote assistance is also available if needed.

Marriage Registration in Thailand

Marriage Registration in Thailand

Marriage Registration in Thailand Getting married in Thailand can be a paper chase if you dont know how to register your marriage in Thailand as unlike the West the process is not automatic and you have to obtain certain documents first! Once you have had your wedding you need to register your marriage in Thailand. This starts with a visit to your Embassy in Bangkok. Out of Chiang Mai that may prove to be difficult so obtain the services of an attorney or solicitor in Chiang Mai to make it easier.

At the Embassy you need to complete forms which states that you are single and wish to get married in Thailand. If you are divorced a copy of your divorce decree would be needed. The Embassy takes your form and provides you with a types letter of affirmation which confirms that you are single and wanting to get married in Thailand. This letter of affirmation now has to be taken to be translated into Thai with your divorce decree and taken to the Thailand Foreign Affairs Department. Here they will confirm that the document is authentic and place a stamp on the back of the documents. A visit to this department takes a day and you will have to wait a few hours for it to be verified. Take newspaper with or simply let the solicitor  or attorneys in Chiang Mai worry about it.  Its your choice.

Once this has been verified usually the following day you would need to visit the District Office or Amphur to have the documents handed in and a Marriage Certificate issued. You are now married. It does take time to have your marriage registered in Thailand and most expats and tourists simply drop off the documents with attorneys to do all the leg work. Nothing is ever straight and simple in Thailand and anything to do with officialdom usually ends in frustration.  Speak to any of our attorneys or solicitors in Chiang Mai with regards to registering your marriage in Chiang Mai. Speak to us now via our toll-free US or UK numbers  or chat with us online on our chat messenger.

Do it now, it will save you loads of frustration!